21 March 2019

Torra tries to find a way around the ban on displays of support for political prisoners in public buildings


Following a report by the Síndic de Greuges, Catalonia’s ombudsman, recommending that the Government of Catalonia remove the yellow ribbons from public buildings during the election campaign as required by the Central Electoral Board, Quim Torra decides to cover the banner displaying a yellow ribbon and the slogan ‘Free political prisoners and exiles’ with another banner bearing the same slogan but with a white ribbon and a red stripe. The Central Electoral Board, however, finds that this does not comply with its requirements and orders the Minister of the Interior to ensure that, before 3 pm on 22 March, the Mossos d’Esquadra have removed from Catalan government buildings all pro-independence flags, yellow or white ribbons, and banners, posters and similar with ‘partisan’ images or messages. It also decides to start a disciplinary case against Torra and refers the proceedings to the Prosecutor’s Office so that it can look into possible criminal charges against the president. On 26 March, the Supreme Court denies Torra’s request for a provisional suspension of the Central Electoral Board’s order.

Post 589
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