26 April 2023

Trial against Dren, arrested during the protests against the 1 October independence referendum judgment, begins


The trial is held on 26, 27 April and 3 May in Barcelona Provincial Court. The Prosecutor’s Office requests 4 years and 9 in prison for the crimes of public disorders, assault on the authority and damages to a Mossos d’Esquadra agent of up to 750 euros for minor injuries. Dren was arrested, was sent to pre-trial detention and got out after a month. Dren goes to trial with two other young men. The Prosecutor’s Office requests a sentence of 7 years and 9 months in prison for Joan, and will end up accepting a sentence of 2 years and 4 months. The Prosecutor’s Office requests a sentence of 2 years and 7 months in prison for Marc, who asked to participate in a Restorative Justice process with two Mossos d’Esquadra agents, that he paid 10.000 euros of damages to, and will accept a sentence of 9 months in prison. On 2 June, Dren’s support group and Alerta Solidària will make public that Dren has been acquitted. The judgment finds that it did not exist any link between the three accused and the joint proceedings are of doubtful legality. In addition, the Prosecutor only based its accusation on an agent’s statement, that the Court does not consider impartial.

Post 1168
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