VOX, Ciudadanos and PP had requested the removal of Borràs after she had been sentenced for a crime of “prevaricació”, even though the sentence is not yet final. The Board applies the the same practice as in the cases of former president Quim Torra and former member of the Parliament Pau Juvillà (CUP). Borràs appeals the decision before the Supreme Court and requests its suspension, which will be denied. Once the suspension is denied, the Catalan Parliament strips Borràs of the seat.
10 May 2023
9 May 2023
3 May 2023
The Central Electoral Board strips Laura Borràs of her seat in Parliament
28 April 2023
26 April 2023
The Electoral Board excludes Marcel Vivet from the lists of Guanyem Badalona
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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