Far-right party VOX asks to act as a ‘popular prosecutor’ before the Supreme Court against the leaders of the 1 October referendum. The party allege to stand as ‘popular prosecutors’ – a Spain-specific set-up that allows any individual or organisation to act as an accuser- in the proceedings at the High Court of Justice of Catalonia, as well as for the following Supreme Court hearing on 17 November. This request by VOX is accepted by the Admissions Office.
3 November 2017
Comedians from El Jueves magazine prosecuted for a joke about the Spanish police
3 November 2017
Lamela activates a European Arrest Warrant against members of the government in exile
2 November 2017
VOX comes forward as ‘popular prosecutor’ in the 1 October referendum case
1 November 2017
Two activists are arrested for posts on Facebook
31 October 2017
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