12 November 2019

Torrent tries to get around the Constitutional Court’s ban on holding a debate on self-determination in Parliament


With the goal of avoiding the Constitutional Court’s foreseeable ban, the president of Parliament, Roger Torrent, calls an early start to the plenary session that will vote on the CUP’s motionto reassert the right to self-determination. The Court, meanwhile, had already called an early start to its own plenary session precisely in order to suspend the admission of the motion, following a challenge presented by the Spanish government. Finally, the vote on the resolution, which is passed with the votes of JxCat, ERC and the CUP, takes place at almost the same time as the Constitutional Court’s suspension, and the resolution is not published in the Official Gazette of the Parliament. The Constitutional Court also warns Parliament President Roger Torrent, the members of the Bureau and the secretary-general of criminal consequences if they do not comply with the suspension.

Post 719
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