6 May 2021

A court in Barcelona opens a case against former minister Romeva and other Catalan Government officials for expenses in foreign affairs


The Examining Magistrate’s Court no. 18 of Barcelona opens a case against the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Raül Romeva and nine former high officials of the Catalan Government, including the former Secretary General of the Ministry Aleix Villatoro and the former Secretary General of Diplocat Albert Royo for alleged crimes of prevarication, embezzlement of public funds and document forgery in relation to the Catalan Government’s foreign policy expenditures between 2011 and 2017. The case stems from a complaint filed by the Prosecutor’s Office following a report published by the Court of Auditors on this expenditure. Beyond the criminal liability that may exist, the Court of Auditors is also investigating the facts from an accounting perspective.

Post 915
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