16 February 2021

A girl loses an eye after being hit by a foam bullet during the protests against the arrest of Pablo Hasél


The Centre Irídia and the protester who lost her right eye after being hit by a foam bullet during the protests against the arrest of Pablo Hasél are suing two agents of the Mossos d’Esquadra for breaking the protocols of the Catalan police and intentionally firing at head height towards demonstrators. The court admitted the lawsuit a few months later and has summoned the agents to testify on 14 October in connection to the alleged crime of causing injury with the aggravating circumstance of public prevalence. The summons is made in view of the damage to the eye and the failure of the Mossos to comply with protocols by firing directly at head height towards the demonstrators. In 2024, judge Joaquín Aguirre, also the pre-trial judge in the Volhov case, dismisses the case and the private prosecution, and Centre Irídia, who carries the popular prosecution file an appeal against the dismissal. Aguirre notes in the decision, inter alia, that he considers that the young woman has to bear with the consequences of putting herself in danger.

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