28 July 2018

Arrested a member of the CDR in Palafrugell for protesting outside a restaurant where judge Pablo Llarena was having dinner


A group of eight people including members of the Palafrugell CDR (Baix Empordà) protest outside the restaurant in Mont-ras where Supreme Court judge Pablo Llarena was having dinner with the leader of the PP in Barcelona Alberto Fernández-Díaz and 16 others. On 2 August, the Spanish police had arrested one of the demonstrators, Carles Ruiz, for an alleged crime of attack against authority for allegedly hitting the window of the judge’s car as he left the restaurant’s car park. The detainee is transferred to Verneda police station in Barcelona. After adhering to his right to remain silent, the detainee is released on bail the same day. Coincidentally, the Spanish police arrest him the day after the Mossos d’Esquadra announced that they were opening an investigation into the case.

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