16 December 2020

Dani Gallardo is sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison for demonstrating against the sentence of the leaders of the 1 October referendum


The Provincial Court of Madrid sentences Dani Gallardo to four and a half years in prison for the crimes of public disturbance, attack on authority and causing minor injuries during the October 2019 demonstrations held in Madrid against the sentence of the leaders of the 1 October referendum. The court deemed Dani Gallardo to be guilty of assaulting a police officer with a wooden stick and nails, injuring his back and head. The Court also sentences his friend Elsa Vikki to one year in prison for the crime of public disturbance in addition to another person for the crime of resisting the authorities. Convictions include fines and disqualification from the right to be eligible for office. Furthermore, Dani Gallardo will have to pay a compensation amounting to 2,100 euros to the National Police and, together with Elsa Vikki, they will have to pay a compensation amounting to 3,524.75 euros to the Madrid Town Hall. Gallardo will appeal against the sentence to the High Court of Justice of Madrid, which will reject said appeal, and then he will appeal against the sentence to the Supreme Court.

Post 854
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