17 November 2021

Ernest Legaz, the activist detained in the protest camp set up after the judgement of 1 October, is sentenced to 1 year and 10 months in prison


Legaz is convicted on charges of attacking the authority and causing injuries after an agent of the City Police denounced him for punching during the eviction of the protest camp set up in Barcelona’s Plaça Universitat in 2019. Initially, the Prosecutor’s Office called for 4 years in prison, but during the trial the request was brought down to 2. Despite contradictions in the statements of the City Police, the sentence considers it sufficiently proven that Legaz punched the officer. The activist argued that he acted peacefully at all times and that it was completely impossible for him to hit the officer because he did not have time to react when the police started the eviction, at which time he was in his tent. According to Legaz, ‘someone else did something to an agent and they took the chance to blame me.’ In addition to him, two more activists have also been sentenced to 6 months in prison for attempting to attack the authority and for causing minor injuries.

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