The magistrate of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia Maria Eugènia Alegret agrees that there are reasons to try for crimes of disobedience the former President of the Parliament and current Minister of Business, Roger Torrent, and the pro-independence former members of the Bureau, Josep Costa, Eusebi Campdepadrós and Adriana Delgado Herreros, for having allowed, in 2019, two votes to be held in the plenary session of parliament advocating the right to self-determination and rejecting the Monarchy. The accused appealed Alegret’s decision, but both the Civil and Criminal Chambers of the Court dismissed the appeals in March 2022.
17 November 2021
12 November 2021
10 November 2021
The High Court of Justice of Catalonia sends MP Torrent and three former members of the Parliament Bureau to trial for disobedience
2 November 2021
The trial against the Lledoners Nine is held
28 October 2021
The El País photojournalist Albert Garcia is acquitted
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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