23 July 2023

General elections held in Spain


In Catalonia, the PSC, the list led by Meritxell Batet obtains 19 seats, Sumar, the list led by Aina Vidal, obtains 7, PP, led by Nacho Martín Blanco obtains 6 and VOX, by Juan José Aizcorbe Torra, 2. As regards independentist parties, ERC, led by Gabriel Rufián and Junts, by Miriam Nogueras, obtain 7. The CUP does not obtain any seat. In the general Spanish context, Alberto Núñez Feijóo (PP) wins 136 seats and Pedro Sánchez (PSOE), 122. On the following day, the Prosecutor’s Office requests investigating judge in the case against the 1 October independence referendum leaders Pablo Llarena to issue new European Arrests Warrants against MEPs Puigdemont and Comín.

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