9 May 2023

Ivan Navarro files report for the crime against moral integrity, the crime of bodily harm and the crime of false report after being acquitted


Ivan, who is running in the 28 May 2023 municipal election (CUP), was arrested on 16 October 2019, during the protests against the judgment that sentenced the leaders of the 1 October Catalan independence referendum. Ivan was in a protest against a Ciutadans event in Horta neighbourhood in Barcelona. After the event ended, the Mossos d’Esquadra charged against the demonstrators. An agent jumped on his back, threw him on the floor and arrested him. Ivan’s case went to trial and he was acquitted on 19 October 2022, alongside another demonstrator. Now, Ivan is filing a report the crime against moral integrity, the crime of bodily harm and the crime of false report.

Post 1171
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