11 May 2023

Man from Manresa sentenced for supposedly throwing a fence against a police officer


A criminal judge from Barcelona sentences a man from Manresa named Jordi for a crime of assault of an authority for throwing a fence against and officer of the Mossos d’Esquadra during a pro-independence demonstration on 11 September 2021, where he was arrested. He is sentenced to 6 months of prison even though the public prosecution asked for a sentence of 3 years and 9 months of prison. The Government of Catalonia, that acted as private prosecution, asked for 1,475 euros as compensation for injuries. According to the facts of the sentence, during a police charge in front of the Policia Nacional’s police station of Via Laietana, Jordi threw a fence that hit somebody. Alerta Solidària states that the fence that Jordi threw did not hit anybody.

Post 1173
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