18 September 2020

Operation Judas: Jordi Ros’s accusation against agents and commanders of the Spanish Civil Guard admitted for trial


The Second Examining Magistrate’s Court of Sabadell admits the accusation of Jordi Ros, member of the CDR detained within the framework of Operation Judas, against the agents of the Civil Guard who broke into his home on the day of his arrest. The judge has requested for the agents who carried out the raid to be identified and for their statements to be taken as part of the investigation. In his accusation, Ros alleges torture, coercion, harassment and the violation of the right to be assisted by a lawyer from the moment of his arrest. In 2021, the judge alleges that he will only investigate what happened in his jurisdiction. Ros’ lawyer appeals the decision. In 2024, Barcelona Provincial Court orders to investigate all the events and point out the terrible pre-trial proceedings carried out. After that, Ros’ lawyer asks that all police officers that participated in Ros’ transfer to the Civil Guard station in Sant Andreu de la Barca and after to Madrid, to Tres Cantos, be identified.

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