The Criminal Chamber of the National High Court allows Xavier Duch Palau, member of the CDR prosecuted in the framework of Operation Judas, access to the proceedings carried out in the case, more than two years after his arrest. The investigating magistrate of the case, Manuel García-Castellón, had previously denied it. Days before, the High Court had expressed that it agreed with this decision, though only with regard to specific proceedings, such as the recordings of communications, following the appeals of two other defendants. Part of these proceedings indicate that the prosecuted had already been investigated for some time, given that they predate the arrests of 23 September 2019. On 1 April, the Alerta Solidària lawyers collective informs in a statement that the Chamber had reiterated the decision for the third time and would do so again in June. In the course of the following months, the Chamber will make similar rulings in this regard.
25 January 2022
20 January 2022
19 January 2022
Operation Judas: the National High Court grants access to preliminary proceedings
18 January 2022
28 December 2021
The Belgian courts refuse to extradite Valtònyc for the second time
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