18 January 2022

The Court of Cassation of Brussels orders the Court of Appeal of Ghent to review its decision not to extradite the rapper Valtònyc


The Brussels Court of Cassation rejects the appeal of the Ghent Prosecutor’s Office against the decision to refuse extradition due to crimes of glorification of terrorism and threats. Despite this, the Court returns the case to the Ghent Court of Appeal to review its decision regarding the crime of lèse majesté. In its appeal, the Prosecutor’s Office indicated that the resolution did not consider whether the Spanish crime of lèse majesté could find equivalence with the Belgian crime of insulting individuals or insulting deputies, ministers or officials. Previously, the equivalence of the crime of lèse majesté with the Belgian crime of publicly expressed offences against the King had already been ruled out, having been declared unconstitutional by the Belgian Constitutional Court.

Post 1004
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