The Parliament of Catalonia approves a resolution condemning King Felipe VI for his actions after the 1 October referendum in which it also calls for abolition of the monarchy because it is an ‘outdated and anti-democratic’ institution, with favourable votes from JxCat, ERC and En Comú Podemos, the abstention of the CUP and votes against from C’s, PSC and PP. The resolution was promoted by En Comú-Podem, two days after having voted against a similar resolution presented by JxCat in which it asked to work for independence. On 7 November, the Spanish Government appealed the decision to the Constitutional Court.
18 October 2018
The case against Olga Ricomà for a banner on the balcony of her house is filed
15 October 2018
11 October 2018
Parliament condemns King Felipe VI
8 October 2018
The Constitutional Court admits the appeal by Homs against the 9 November sentence
8 October 2018
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