Neutrality of the Prosecutor's OfficePoliticisation of justicePrison regimeRights to free expression and assembly
Paula explains in an interview with VilaWeb that agents of the Policía Nacional arrested her and put, firstly, their knees on her neck, they insulted her and they threw her to a police van. The young woman explains that she was assaulted in the van. In Via Laietana station, she was brought to her knees and handcuffed against a wall, and an agent threatened her with a cutter. Paula explains that she was not able to call after fourteen hours arrested and she refused to sign the document whereby it was stated that she had been informed of her rights, since there the hour of the arrest was false. The judge, Beatriz Balfagón, who was wearing a kind of necklace with the flag of Spain, put her on pre-trial detention and she was brought to Wad-Ras. Paula will be released on 29 October with Andrea and Xènia. The date for her trial is yet to be set for the crimes of public disorders, assault on the authority and damages. In February 2024, more than 4 years after the arrest, her support group announces that they have received the accusation from the Prosecutor’s Office. She is accused of a crime of public disorders with use of a dangerous object, since it is alleged that she threw an object. The Prosecutor’s Office requests 2 years in prison.
21 October 2019
The Catalan universities’ manifesto against the verdict is taken to the courts
19 October 2019
First arrest made at the Meridiana roadblock during the protests over the verdict
18 October 2019
Paula is arrested in the course of a protest after the 1 October ruling and put in pre-trial detention
17 October 2019
17 October 2019
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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