They spend two days at the police station before the First Examining Magistrate’s Court of Tarragona orders pre-trial detention without bail for both. Laura had been arrested by a group of national police officers who restrained her, dragged her violently and attacked anyone who attempted to come near her. On 22 November, the two detainees are provisionally released after posting a bond of 2,000 euros, paid by the Caixa de Solidaritat, a solidarity fund run by members of civil society. The investigation will continue for alleged crimes of attacking authority, damages caused by attempted arson and disturbances during the mass protests. The Prosecutor’s Office will call for five years and 11 months in prison.
18 October 2019
18 October 2019
17 October 2019
The National Police arrest Laura Solé and Joan Tortosa from Tarragona during the protests over the conviction of the pro-independence leaders
16 October 2019
16 October 2019
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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