19 May 2018

President Quim Torra appoints the ministers of the new Government, including Jordi Turull, Josep Rull, Lluís Puig and Toni Comín


The Secretary to the Spanish Government asks the Ministry of the Presidency to publish the appointment of the ministers in the Official Gazette of the Government of Catalonia, but the Ministry does not authorise publication due to the ‘current circumstances’ of Turull, Rull, Puig and Comín who were prosecuted for their involvement in the 1 October referendum. The formation of Torra’s new government is blocked with Article 155 still in force. Rull and Turull ask Supreme Judge Pablo Llarena for their release from preventive detention so they can take office as ministers. On 21 May, Llarena denies the request.

Post 461
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