The Civil Guard continues the searches in compliance with the order of the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the organisation of the referendum. On the 17th, they search a printing house in Montcada and Reixach, where 1.3 million posters and other promotional materials for the referendum are seized. The next day, they search in a printing house in Sabadell, where 113,000 posters promoting the referendum are seized.
20 September 2017
20 September: tweeties (“piolins”) in BCN and Tarragona ports
19 September 2017
17 September 2017
Searches of printing houses continue
16 September 2017
Several websites broadcasting the 1 October referendum are blocked
16 September 2017
Persecution of events in favour of the referendum by several local police offices
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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