23 August 2020

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office investigates the CUP for ’allocating public funds to the 1 October referendum’


The proceedings, which were initiated following the information that Ciudadanos had sent to the Prosecutor’s Office in 2019, investigate the expenditure of 168,000 euros, partly from subsidies, which the CUP-Crida Constituent parliamentary group would have allocated to promote the 1 October referendum. On 3 August, as part of the investigation, agents of the National Police entered the party’s headquarters, and on 23 August, a member of the 2017 secretariat was summoned to testify under suspicion of a possible crime of embezzlement. As a matter of fact, the summoning of those involved in the enabling of the referendum campaign commenced in February but was stalled due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Post 816
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