15 October 2019

The case of Dren: is arrested in the course of a protest and is put on pre-trial detention


The BRIMO of the Mossos d’Esquadra arrest Dren in the course of a protest against the judgment that sentenced the leaders of the 1 October referendum in the vicinity of the Spanish government delegation in Catalonia, in the course of a police charge. Dren will later explain that a policeman knocked them down, stepped over their face and hit them until they found their identification, that they could not provide, as they were handcuffed, and they denounced that they was brutally treated. The young person spends a lot of time in police custody until they appear before the judge. The judge, Eva Molto Guardiola, the same that investigated “El Jueves” case, puts her in pre-trial detention. Dren will come out of Wad-Ras prison on 15 November. The only evidence against the, is an agent’s word, that claims that the young person threw a stone at him. In March 2020, the interim measure against them of appearing before the court weekly will be lifted as well as the prohibition of exiting national territory. The Prosecutor’s Office and the Catalan Government will accuse them of the crimes of public disorders and attacks against the Authority and will request five years and a half in prison against them. Three years after the events took place, they are still awaiting trial.

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