The faculty of Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) adopts a manifesto condemning the Supreme Court ruling against the leaders of the 1 October referendum. Andrés Betancor, the university professor and former member of the Central Electoral Board who had resigned from the board because of his ties to Ciudadanos, files an appeal against the manifesto. On 20 November, the Central Electoral Board, against the criteria of the Provincial Electoral Board of Barcelona, rules that the manifesto violated ‘the principle of political neutrality’ and forces the UPF to publish this ruling on its website. The university, in turn, files an appeal before the Supreme Court.
28 October 2019
25 October 2019
24 October 2019
The Central Electoral Board continues to persecute Catalan universities for their manifestos
22 October 2019
21 October 2019
The Catalan universities’ manifesto against the verdict is taken to the courts
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