27 June 2022

The Constitutional Court annuls the Parliament of Catalonia’s decision to delegate the vote of Lluís Puig


The Constitutional Court annuls the agreements taken on 25 and 26 March 2021 by the Bureau of the Parliament of Catalonia on the acceptance of the representative of Junts per Catalunya Lluís Puig to delegate his vote, following an amparo appeal from the PSC. The Bureau of the Parliament of Catalonia agrees on 5 July to maintain the delegation of Puig’s vote, agreed on 19 October 2021, and confirms it on 6 July. The PSC lodges an amparo appeal and the Constitutional Court annuls the agreements. On 18 April 2023, the Bureau of the Parliament of Catalonia agrees on the transitional regulation of the telematic vote until the reform of the Rules of the Parliament of Catalonia and will adopt the telematic vote for Lluís Puig until 31 July 2023. PSC will lodge an appeal again and, in June 2024, the Constitutional Court annuls the agreements again. The annulment of the agreements won’t affect the acts that may have been adopted during the time that it was in force.

Post 1072
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