26 June 2022

Former member of Jovent Republicà, Enric Pérez, denounces to La Directa that agents of the Department of National Security tried to recruit him as an informer


Enric Pérez explains that two supposed agents of the Spanish National Security Department tried to recruit him for three months. Pérez recounts how he held two face-to-face meetings with these agents and that they allegedly exchanged several messages with the young pro-independence activist. The aim was supposedly to gain his trust in order to gather information about Jovent Republicanà – the youth movement of ERC – and Batec, a pro-independence movement that exists to reverse the failures of trains in Catalonia. The Spanish Department of National Security is an office created in 2012 as a working body focusing on security issues under the direct control of the President’s Office and, ultimately, of the president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez.

Post 1070
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