The plenary session of the Constitutional Court endorses the decision of the investigating judge of the 1 October case Pablo Llarena of March 2018 to suspend Carles Puigdemont as a member of the Parliament of Catalonia after being prosecuted for rebellion and in application of article 384 bis of the Criminal Procedure Law. Although, in the sentence against the prisoners of 1 October, the Supreme Court eventually discarded the crime of rebellion due to lack of violence, keeping them prosecuted for this crime made it possible to bar them from holding public positions before the sentence was passed. In fact, following the ruling of the Supreme Court on 14 October 2019, which did not affect Puigdemont, his suspension was lifted and he recovered his rights as an MP until he resigned to take his seat in the European Parliament.
14 October 2021
11 October 2021
The Prosecutor’s Office requests Alay spend three years in prison for his trip to New Caledonia
7 October 2021
The Constitutional Court endorses the suspension of Puigdemont as a member of Parliament
4 October 2021
4 October 2021
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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