In a Plenary Session, the Constitutional Court agrees to lift the coercive fines against the Secretary General for the Economy, Josep Maria Jové, because he was dismissed from office and therefore could not comply with Constitutional Court rulings; and Montserrat Vidal Roca, Head of Electoral Processes and Consultations of the People, because her participation in the organisation of the referendum was not proven.
10 November 2017
9 November 2017
The Prosecutor’s Office summons Jose Téllez to give evidence for the missing posters case
8 November 2017
The Constitutional Court lifts the fines issued to Josep Maria Jové and Montserrat Vidal
7 November 2017
The Supreme Court takes on the 1 October referendum case against the Bureau of Parliament
7 November 2017
Eight teachers persecuted for explaining the events surrounding the 1 October referendum
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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