15 July 2022

The follow-up investigation of a pro-independence activist carried out without judicial authorisation is now closed


The National Police had been following the president of the Vibrant entity Jordi Riba for three years using a tracking device and a SIM card. Riba realised this in 2021 and filed a complaint with the Mossos d’Esquadra, who identified the policemen. The sub-inspector of the National Corps of the National Police testified before the Examining Magistrate’s Court no. 14 of Barcelona and admits to placing the tracking device and to monitoring Riba, despite not having a court order or an open investigation that justified doing so. The judge decrees the suspension of these activities because he understands that there were urgent reasons that justified it and that there was no time to communicate it to the pertinent judicial authority, despite the fact that the follow-up lasted for years.

Post 1082
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