The Bureau of the Congress of Deputies of the Spanish General Courts is established, presided by Francina Armengol (PSOE), who is elected by absolute majority. The Bureau is also formed by another PSOE MP, one from Sumar and two from PP. Armengol announces, in her first speech, that she will allow that the State’s cooficial languages (Catalan, Galician and Basque) are used in Congress, demand made by Junts in exchange of their votes for the establishment of the Board.
22 September 2023
Criminal proceedings commenced for the sketch of the “Virgen del Rocío” are dismissed
29 August 2023
Four independentists arrested for preparing a boycott against ‘La Vuelta’
17 August 2023
The General Courts of the XV legislature are established
9 August 2023
1 August 2023
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