22 September 2023

Criminal proceedings commenced for the sketch of the “Virgen del Rocío” are dismissed


Criminal proceedings had commenced for the crime of offence against religious feelings and been called to testify for a crime of slander for the sketch of the “Virgen del Rocío”, of the TV3’s show ‘Està Passant’ against Judit Martín, Toni Soler and Jair Domínguez. The same Court that had commenced investigating proceedings accept their allegations and considers, inter alia, that their behaviour is within the scope of the right to freedom of expression, that there has not been any disturbance in religious freedom and that it does not entail any incitement to hatred against Catholic people. The Fundación Española de Abogados Cristianos, who reported the sketch and were the popular action in the case, announce that will appeal against the decision.

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