The Catalan Government reaches an agreement with all the parties of Parliament except the PSC to postpone the elections until 30 May due to the situation of the coronavirus pandemic. Several non-parliamentary parties, some individual citizens and the pro-Spanish association Impulso Ciudadano, chaired by the former deputy of Ciudadanos, José Domingo, are appealing the postponement before the High Court of Justice of Catalonia. On January 19, this same court is set to provisionally suspend the postponement of the elections and on 29 January it will definitively annul the Government’s decision and maintain the elections for 14 February.
22 January 2021
The Provincial Court of Barcelona confirms the acquittal of Tamara Carrasco
20 January 2021
15 January 2021
The Government wants to postpone the parliamentary elections until 30 May and the High Court of Justice of Catalonia prevents it
14 January 2021
Hearing of Puigdemont, Comín and Ponsatí before the Committee on Legal Affairs
14 January 2021
The investigation into the police raids during the 1 October referendum in Barcelona continues
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