The court concludes that the organised roadblock for which Francisco Garrobo and Moisès Fernández were being tried falls within their right of assembly and disagrees with the sentence passed by the High Court of Barcelona as it is not sufficiently clear that the defendants committed a crime. In November 2020, the Provincial Court of Barcelona had acquitted four demonstrators accused of committing crimes against traffic safety but sentenced Francisco Garrobo, member of the Municipal Secretariat of the CUP of Barcelona, and Moisès Fernández, to respectively serve three years and six months in prison and one year in prison for serious crimes of public disturbance with the aggravating factor of recidivism. The two convicts, members of the CDRs, participated in the four-hour cut-off of the Ronda de Dalt in Barcelona during the general strike of 8 November, which was called for by the Intersindical-CSC to protest against the implementation of article 155 and the imprisonment of the pro-independence leaders.
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The High Court of Justice of Catalonia acquits Francisco Garrobo and Moisès Fernández for the roadblock on the Ronda de Dalt on 8 November 2017
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Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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