16 March 2021

The High Court of Justice of Catalonia agrees to process the complaint filed against Torrent and three former members of the Bureau of Parliament


The Prosecutor’s Office had filed the action on the grounds of an alleged crime of disobedience against the former president of Parliament, Roger Torrent (ERC) and former members of the Bureau Josep Costa (JxCat), Eusebi Campdepadrós (JxCat) and Adriana Delgado (ERC) for having allowed two votes that, on the one hand, claimed the right to self-determination and, on the other hand, condemned the Monarchy. All four are contesting the admission to proceedings because they consider their actions to be linked to parliamentary inviolability. Costa also questions the jurisdiction of the court in his case in particular since he is no longer a member of Parliament (and therefore cannot be judged as such). Costa also appeals the acceptance of VOX’s presence in court as private prosecutor and filed for a recusal against two of the members of the Chamber who had accepted to process the lawsuit (Jesús María Barrientos and Carlos Ramos) on the grounds that they are politically biased. The recusal is rejected and the appeals against the presence of VOX and the decision to process the lawsuit are dismissed in July.

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