27 February 2020

The High Court of Justice of Catalonia prosecutes Jové and Salvadó for the 1 October referendum


The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia prosecutes the former secretary-general of the Department of the Vice-Presidency, Josep Maria Jové, and the former secretary of the Treasury, Josep Lluís Salvadó, currently ERC MPs, for the crimes of disobedience, embezzlement of public funds, fraud and disclosure of secrets in connection with their participation in the organisation of the 1 October referendum. The High Court of Justice of Catalonia sets a bond of 2,889,000 euros for Jové and a joint bond of 1,635,000 euros. The amounts will be paid by the Caixa de Solidaritat, a solidarity fund run by members of civil society. The High Court of Justice of Catalonia also forces them to appear in court every month, confiscates their passports and prohibits them from leaving the country. Salvadó and Jové’s cases were initially being investigated by Examining Magistrate’s Court No. 13, but the High Court of Justice of Catalonia declared itself to have the jurisdiction to try them, given the rules on parliamentary immunity in Spain by which MPs and some high-ranking officials cannot be tried by the ordinary courts.

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