The expenses of the fundamental basic services are taken over directly by the State, while other expenses are controlled by the Catalan Treasury, which has to certify that the funds are not allocated to holding the referendum. The ministerial order is published the next day in the BOE and on 20 September the Ministry officially notifies the government of Catalonia of the intervention. This intervention will continue until June 2018.
16 September 2017
Persecution of events in favour of the referendum by several local police offices
16 September 2017
Several websites broadcasting the 1 October referendum are blocked
15 September 2017
The Minister of Finance, Cristóbal Montoro, announces intervention of the finances of the government of Catalonia
14 September 2017
14 September 2017
Blatant violations of the rule of law like this one are never included in the Rule of Law report that the Commission publishes each year on the rule of law developments in each Member State.
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