18 October 2019

The Mossos d’Esquadra arrest four young people from Vallès Oriental county during the post-verdict protests


The Mossos d’Esquadra’s BRIMO unit arrests four young people from Vallès Oriental, including David Pérez and Àlvaro Alierta from the town of Parets del Vallès, accusing them of the crimes of public disturbance and attacking authoirty for having thrown objects at a Mossos d’Esquadra van in Barcelona on the afternoon of 17 October 2019, during the massivepost-verdict protests. The following day, they all appear before the judge, who orders pre-trial detention without bail for the crimes for which they are being investigated. David and Àlvaro are transferred to the La Roca juvenile detention centre, where they spend 17 days before they are granted provisional release. They present a complaint before the Barcelona Examining Magistrates’ Court against the four officers who arrested them for attacking them during their arrest. In July 2021, following the conclusion of the preliminary investigation, the Prosecutor’s Office calls for nine years and six months in prison, and the Government of Catalonia calls for six. Trial proceedings are set to begin on 23 May 2024, before Barcelona Provincial Court, but are suspended due to the impeding passing of the Amnesty Law. The suspension also affects proceedings against four police agents accused of mistreating them.

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