The Spanish policeman, who is an inspector of the Provincial Information Brigade of the National Police and a VOX militant, had assaulted the photojournalist specialising in the extreme right while in plainsclothes on 16 July 2018. The policeman shouted ‘Viva Franco’ and ‘Viva España’ during the aggression, which took place while the journalist was returning from covering an event organised by Crida Nacional per la República. Shortly after, Borràs and the agent file complaints against each other. On the day of the trial, the officer accepts a sentence of one year in prison for committing a crime of causing injury with the aggravating factor of discrimination for ideological reasons and withdraws his accusation against Borràs. In June, the National Police imposes a minimum penalty of one year’s suspension on the policeman, despite the fact that penalties for this type of infraction can reach suspensions of up to six years.
27 January 2022
26 January 2022
25 January 2022
The policeman who assaulted Jordi Borràs accepts a sentence of one year in prison for crime of causing injury
20 January 2022
19 January 2022
Operation Judas: the National High Court grants access to preliminary proceedings
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