2 July 2020

The Prosecutor’s Office and the State’s Attorney Office demand a four year prison sentence for four activists who blocked the AVE high-speed train in Girona on the first anniversary of the 1 October referendum


After the indictments from the Prosecutor’s Office and the State’s Attorney Office, the court investigating the case sent four of the activists to trial, accused of the crimes of public disturbance, causing damage to public property, assault on law enforcement officers and injury . They were facing up to four years in prison as well as a fine of 12,150 euros and more than 13,000 euros in compensation. Despite one of the defendants having an intellectual disability of 45%, the Prosecutor’s Office considers her to be the ‘direct and responsible perpetrator’ of the blockade. On the other hand, both the Public Ministry and the State’s Attorney Office (on behalf of ADIF) have dropped the charges against the mayors of Celrà and Verges, Dani Cornellà and Ignasi Sabater, both members of the CUP party, who were also under investigation in this case. The charges have likewise been dropped against the remaining 11 activists who were also involved in the blockade. All 17 were arrested in January 2019 by the National Police. The defendants’ support group has launched the campaign #21raons (‘#21reasons’).

Post 803
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