13 April 2022

The Prosecutor’s Office lowers its demand for accounting responsibility before the Court of Auditors to 3.4 million euros for the 1 October referendum and the foreign affairs of the Catalan Government between 2011 and 2017


The Prosecutor’s Office files a claim before the Court of Auditors for the organisation of the 1 October referendum and the foreign affairs of the Catalan Government between the years 2011 and 2017. The Prosecutor’s Office lowers the claim to 3.4 million euros. The sum of the provisional settlement was 3,903,294 euros for 1 October and 5,150,711 euros for the foreign affairs, which the Prosecutor’s Office now calculates to be 1,219,838 and 2,209,503, respectively. The Prosecutor’s Office also leaves out of the lawsuit, among others, Joaquim Forn, Josep Rull, Carles Mundó, Santi Vila and Meritxell Borràs, given that they were acquitted of the crime of embezzlement of public funds by the Supreme Court in the prosecution of the leaders of the 1 October referendum.

Post 1040
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