The Barcelona Provincial Prosecutor’s Office reports nine teachers from the Institut El Palau secondary school in Sant Andreu de la Barca for alleged hate crimes against the state security forces. Specifically, the public ministry accuses the teachers of the crime of causing ‘injury to dignity’; and five of them the crime of ‘causing serious slander.’ They are being charged for having made ‘derogatory’ and ‘humiliating’ comments towards the Civil Guard and to students who are the children of officers. The Prosecutor’s Office has stepped in after the students’ families reported this to the Civil Guard. A few days later, graffiti was seen on the school walls threatening the teachers, calling them ‘Nazi rats.’ The day before the graffiti, the leader of Ciudadanos, Albert Rivera posted on Twitter about them and the newspaper El Mundo reported on it.
24 April 2018
The Bureau of Parliament accepts Toni Comín’s request to delegates his vote
24 April 2018
23 April 2018
The Prosecutor’s Office reports nine secondary school teachers for talking about 1 October referendum in the classroom
19 April 2018
JxCat MPs submit an appeal to the Constitutional Court for Turull’s investiture
17 April 2018
The Supreme Court rejects Jordi Sànchez’s appeal for his investiture
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