10 June 2022

The Provincial Court of Barcelona acquits a demonstrator and issues a sentence of conformity for two others who took part in the protests against the Council of Ministers held in Barcelona on 21 December


The Provincial Court of Barcelona acquits the youth of the crimes of public disturbance and attacking the authority due to insufficient evidence and because, according to the court, the crime of public disturbance is ‘absolutely devoid of evidence.’ The young man was accused of these crimes for allegedly throwing objects such as a fence at the police during the protest against the Council of Ministers held in Catalonia on 21 December. During the same trial session, two other protesters agreed to a sentence of 6 months in prison, fines and disqualification for crimes of attacking authority and causing minor injuries, with the mitigating factor of undue delays. The Prosecutor’s Office requested sentences of up to 6 years in prison and the Government of Catalonia acted as private prosecution.

Post 1064
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