22 June 2022

The Provincial Court of Barcelona sentences William Aitken, imprisoned during the protests in support of Pablo Hasél, to 5 years and one month in prison


The Provincial Court of Barcelona sentences William Aitken, a Scottish resident in Barcelona, to 5 years and 1 month in prison for committing crimes of public disturbance and attacking the authority, with the aggravating factor of dangerous objects. Aitken had already been in pre-trial detention for a month following his arrest on 17 February 2021 in the context of the protests against the imprisonment of rapper Pablo Hasél, as it was determined there was a risk of him fleeing to the UK. The collective Alerta Solidària, Aitken’s defence, explains that there is no proof of a police officer being injured, damage caused or stones or objects thrown, only the word of the police. The defence announces that it will appeal the sentence.

Post 1068
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