7 June 2022

The Provincial Court of Barcelona acquits Adrià Catasús of the crimes of public disturbance and attacking the authority


The Prosecutor’s Office accused Catasús of hitting a Mossos d’Esquadra officer with a flag and requested a sentence of 8 years in prison and disqualification for crimes of public disturbance and attempted attack against the authority with the aggravation of using a dangerous instrument. The events allegedly occurred at the ‘Holi Festival’ demonstration, called for by Arran to protest against the act of tribute to the police charges of 1 October organised by the Jusapol police union on 29 September 2018. Catasús’s defence claims that the facts for which he is accused are the same for which another activist, Marcel Vivet, has already been convicted. The sentence explains that none of the police officers who testified remembered seeing the accused, and the judges ask themselves ‘why has Adrià Catasús endured these accusations for three and a half years, like a sword of Damocles.’

Post 1061
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