The court accepts for consideration the appeal presented by Jose Téllez, a Badalona city councillor with Guanyem Badalona en Comú and member of the CUP, and overturns the 4,380 euro fine ordered by the Seventh Examining Magistrate’s Court of Barcelona for an alleged crime of disobedience after Téllez took confiscated posters for the 1 October referendum campaign from a Badalona City Police car and returned them to Òmnium activists. The Prosecutor’s Office presents an appeal before the Supreme Court against the Provincial Court of Barcelona’s acquittal and calls for the 4,380 euro fine imposed on Téllez to be upheld.
4 April 2019
2 April 2019
The Electoral Board warns TV3 over the ‘FAQsPrisisPilíticsTV3’ hashtag
1 April 2019
The Provincial Court of Barcelona overturns the conviction of Jose Téllez for disobedience
29 March 2019
The Court of Auditors investigates the Government of Catalonia’s foreign expenditures
27 March 2019
The Constitutional Court prohibits remote investitures of presidents of the Government of Catalonia
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