21 July 2022

The Provincial Court of Barcelona sentences Oriol Calvo to 4 years and one month in prison for the post-sentence protests


The Court convicts Calvo on charges of crimes of public disturbance and attacking the authority, while the Prosecutor’s Office called for eight years in prison. The young man had been identified by Mossos d’Esquadra agents on 15 October 2019, during the protests against the sentence of the 1 October referendum, where they insulted him and shouted ‘¡Viva España!’ The sentence considers it sufficiently proven that Calvo threw objects such as stones and bottles at the police officers, helped erect barricades and started a fire. The evidence that justifies the conviction are the testimonies of two police officers and documentary evidence that proves the existence of riots but says nothing about the young man’s involvement in them. Calvo’s defence will lodge an appeal against the judgment.

Post 1086
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