7 May 2022

The Provincial Court of Girona acquits Robert Llach, one of the people arrested during the protests against the sentence of the 1 October referendum


The Provincial Court of Girona acquits Robert Llach, a young man from Girona who was arrested during the protests against the sentence of the 1 October referendum in Girona, despite not having taken part in them. Llach spent almost a month in Puig de les Basses prison. The Prosecutor’s Office called for six and a half years in prison for crimes of attacking the authority, public disturbance and causing minor injuries. The Provincial Court acquitted him, and said: ‘We cannot allow the oral trial to be a mere backup to the police report,’ which they consider to have been presented ‘as a form of validation without assessment.’ In addition, the court considers that the Prosecutor’s Office’s indictment contains ‘large doses of literature.’

Post 1049
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