4 May 2022

The High Court of Justice of Catalonia orders the enforcement of the sentence that requires a minimum of 25% of Spanish in Catalan schools


The pro-Spanish association ‘Asamblea por una Escuela Bilingüe’ (‘Assembly for Bilingual Schools’), an association with members who had been in the PP and Societat Civil Catalana, had demanded the enforcement of the sentence passed by the High Court of Justícia of Catalonia on 16 December 2020, which required all students receive at least 25% of their vehicular education in each of the state’s two official languages, namely Spanish and Catalan. The interlocutory order of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia requires the Minister of Education to enforce the sentence within 15 days. The High Court of Justice of Catalonia decided on 13 May that all parents are legally able to request the execution of the sentence in any specific school. On 31 May, the Catalan Government’s lawyer filed a brief before the High Court of Justice of Catalonia asking for a declaration of the legal impossibility of executing the sentence.

Post 1047
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