10 June 2022

The Provincial Court of Girona defends the decision to close 48 of the 52 cases against members of Tsunami Democràtic for the roadblock of the AP-7 in Salt


The Provincial Court of Girona argues, with respect to the crime of public disturbance, that anyone who participates in a demonstration or meeting where a group of people carries out violent acts cannot be considered to take part in these acts or to contribute to their fulfilment for the simple fact of being in the demonstration or meeting. The Court also takes into account the ‘chilling effect’ such an interpretation would have on citizens’ willingness to exercise their right of assembly, asking: ‘who will want to attend a demonstration if their simple presence in it will be reason enough to accuse them of all the crimes that may be committed there?’ In 2021, the Third Examining Magistrate’s Court of Girona had already closed 48 of the 52 cases filed against people investigated for attending the Tsunami Democràtic roadblock of the AP-7 in Salt, but the Prosecutor’s Office had appealed the decision.

Post 1065
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